LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Andreas Roncat
Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Systems and Their Possibilities in Forest Applications
Laser Pulse Interaction with Forest Canopy: Geometric and Radiometric Issues
Radiometrically Calibrated Features of Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Based on Statistical Moments
Analysing the suitability of radiometrically calibrated full-waveform lidar data for delineating Alpine rock glaciers: Poster
Digital surface model, hillshade and Lambertian reflectance model of the rock glaciers Oelgrube and Aeusseres Hochebenkar: Data Provision at PANGAEA, project: C4 Austria, funded by ACRP (Austrian Climate Reasearch Program);
Experiences with Full-Waveform Data Processing and Radiometric Calibration of ALS Campaigns with C4Austria: Workshop textquotedblOne Decade of Airborne Laser Scanning at Hintereisfernertextquotedbl
Laser Pulse Variations And Their Influence On Radiometric Calibration Of Full-Waveform Laser Scanner Data
Radiometric Calibration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data for the Analysis of Alpine Cryosphere and Periglacial Environment
Algorithms and tools for Airborne LiDAR data processing from a scientific perspective