LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Christopher Sevara
New discoveries at Mokarta, a Bronze Age hilltop settlement in western Sicily
Innovating Archaeological Investigations in Mediterranean Landscapes: Contributions from the Prospecting Boundaries Project
Innovating Archaeological Investigations in Mediterranean Landscapes: Contributions from the Prospecting Boundaries Project
Landscape changes and archaeological prospection
APIS – A digital inventory of archaeological heritage based on remote sensing data
Documenting Bronze age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Historic images as spatiotemporal archives: Historical 3D data as a form of archaeological source criticism?
New investigations in the transition zone: considering a multi-ditched settlement in western Sicily as a node in a complex landscape
New investigations in the transition zone: considering a multi-ditched settlement in western Sicily as a node in a complex landscape
Testing boundaries: integrated prospection from site to landscape in western Sicily
Testing boundaries: integrated prospection from site to landscape in western Sicily
Pixel versus object — A comparison of strategies for the semi-automated mapping of archaeological features using airborne laser scanning data
In visible landscapes
Archaeological feature classification – an object oriented approach: 5th Geobia
3D Digital Documentation of Akrotiri: Architecture, Wall-paintings and Finds
Historic Landscapes in Relief: Detection and interpretation of historic landscape elements using geomorphometric and image analysis techniques
Laser Scanning and its Every Day Archaeological Application
Towards the Rapid Documentation of the Tanum Landscape: Developing an integrated workflow using 3D laser scanning and image based modelling techniques
Towards the Rapid Documentation of the Tanum Landscape: Developing an integrated workflow using 3D laser scanning and image based modelling techniques
Undistorting the past – New techniques for orthorectification of archaeological aerial frame imagery