Erich Nau
How much rain is too much for a GPR survey? Results of the Borre Monitoring Project
GPR Coherence Imaging Examples: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
Multi-Trace Coherence Mapping and Data Fusion for Improved GPR Imaging: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
Traces of a Swedish army camp from 1644 revealed at Uppåkra by extensive magnetometer survey
Halls at Borre: the discovery of three large buildings at a Late Iron and Viking Age royal burial site in Norway
Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
Geofysiske undersøgelser of luftfotoarkæologi i Vestjylland
Minimal-invasive approaches in Norwegian Archaeology
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland
When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland
Archaeological prospection of a specialized cooking-pit site at Lunde in Vestfold, Norway
Durrington walls and the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project 2010-2016
Geophysikalische Prospektion in Bräunisheim
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Integration of Complementary Archaeological Prospection Data from a Late Iron Age Settlement at Vesterager-Denmark
Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? Image fusion, analysis and interpretation approaches at the Late Iron Age site of Borre in Norway
Large-area high-resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“
Are we there yet? Environmental settings and geophysical prospection
Documenting Bronze age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Investigating the influence of seasonal changes on high-resolution GPR data: the Borre Monitoring Project
Investigating the influence of seasonal changes on high-resolution GPR data: the Borre Monitoring Project
Large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection pilot study at Viking Age and medieval sites in west Jutland, Denmark
Motorized archaeological geophysical prospection for large infrastructure projects – recent examples from Norway
Motorized archaeological geophysical prospection for large infrastructure projects – recent examples from Norway
A geoarchaeological approach to selected issues in Norwegian archaeological geophysical prospection
Archäologische Untersuchung einer neuzeitlichen Klause am Falkenstein bei Sankt Gilgen, Salzburg
Interdisciplinary investigation of the burial mound at Rom in Vestfold County, Norway
A geoarchaeological approach to selected issues in Norwegian archaeological geophysical prospection
Geoarchaeology as essential supplement for large scale, high resolution archaeological geophysical prospection: the case study Gokstad in Norway
Geoarchaeology as essential supplement for large scale, high resolution archaeological geophysical prospection: the case study Gokstad in Norway
Integrated archaeological prospection of Iron Age and Medieval settlements in West Jutland, Denmark
Interdisciplinary archaeological prospection at unprecented scale and resolution. The first five years of the LBI ArchPro Research Initiative 2010-2015
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnetometer prospection in the Viking Age landscapes of Southern Norway
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
New evidence for a Roman military camp at Virunum (Noricum)
New evidence for a Roman military camp at Virunum (Noricum)
Stratigraphic excavation and 3D reconstruction at Rom burial mound, Vestfold County, Norway
Analysis of ground penetrating radar depth slices – an object-oriented approach: 5th Geobia
Geoarchaeology of the late Nordic Iron Age and Viking Age royal burial site of Borre in Norway
Landscape Tomography: Creating a work-flow for 3D visualization of palaeo-environmental information contained in large-scale, high-resolution ground penetrating radar data sets
Large-Scale High-Resolution GPR Prospection in the Viking Age Landscapes of Southern Norway
Large-scale high-resolution non-invasive geophysical archaeological prospection for the investigation of entire archaeological landscapes
Neues zum römischen Militärlager in Virunum (Noricum)
The garrison of the singulares in Virunum. Results of the latest geophysical prospection in the Norican capital: Conference “The Roman army in the regions of the northern Adriatic and Eastern Alps”
3D Digital Documentation of Akrotiri: Architecture, Wall-paintings and Finds
Archaeological prospection of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site Birka-Hovgården
Contextualising a monumental burial - The Gokstad revitalised project
Die Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären stratigraphischen Grabung Schwarzenbach-Burg, Schnitt 5, 2002 bis 2003: Prospektion, Stratigraphie und Fundvorlage
Duggleby Howe: From prospection to digital stratigraphic documentation
First large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection at Uppåkra
Large scale archaeological prospection: Case studies from three years of fieldwork in Norway
Large scale archaeological prospection: Case studies from three years of fieldwork in Norway
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age settlement site Uppåkra - Sweden
Laser Scanning and its Every Day Archaeological Application
Long term integrated archaeological prospection on the Stubersheimer Alb - Giving meaning to a marginal landscape
Relocation of a partly excavated Roman Villa Rustica by geophysical prospection
Geophysical surveys at Gokstad 2011-2012 - Results and future plans
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Large-scale archaeological prospection of Iron Age Central Places in Sweden
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Terrestrial 3D laser scanning in archaeology
The Roman town of Carnuntum – an outstanding example of long-term integrated archaeological prospection
The school of gladiators at Carnuntum - virtual reconstruction based on archaeological prospection data
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project
Integrative Archaeological Prospection – Case study Stubersheimer Alb: Bridging the gap between geophysical prospection and archaeological interpretation
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of theIron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden – First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study
Terrestrial laser scanning for the generation of a digital terrain model of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology