LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Georg Zotti
Stellarium: Finally at Version 1.0! And Beyond
Developing Skycultures for Stellarium: School for Young Researchers
History and Archaeology in Discourse on the Dernberg–Reconstructing the Historical Landscape of a Medieval Motte-and-Bailey Castle and Deserted Village
Sonnen- oder talwärts? Zur Orientierungsfrage um die Zugänge der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich
Stellarium for Research and Outreach: School for Young Researchers
Stellarium: Simulation for Research and Outreach
The Secrets of Accurate Landscape Configuration in Stellarium: School for Young Researchers
Zeit von den Gestirnen
„Zeit von den Gestirnen“: Zeit & Maße — die astronomischen Instrumente des Spätmittelalters
Ancient Skies and Stellarium - making cultural astronomical information easily accessible
Beyond Paradigms in Cultural Astronomy: Proceedings of the 27th SEAC conference held together with the EAA
Evaluation of Light and Shadow Interaction of an Inca Sanctuary in Stellarium
Exploring skies remote in time and culture with Stellarium
Mehr als nur ein Steinkreis – Das Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project
Pompeii within Ancient Virtual Skies: From Urban Orientations to 3-D Visualisation
Revisiting Star Names: Stellarium and the Ancient Skies Database
Some Thoughts on the Skycultures in Stellarium
Stellarium: astronomical simulation for research and outreach
Stonehenge und Astronomie. Eine kurze Geschichte der astronomischen Deutung von Stonehenge
The Simulated Sky: Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research
Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium: An Overview
A New Light on the Central Instrument of the Samarqand Observatory
A Virtual Park of Astronomical Instruments
Die Himmlische Tierwelt – Sternbildkulturen in Stellarium
Exploring skies remote in time and culture with Stellarium
GIS, Landschaft, 3D-Modelle und Himmelssimulation
Linsmeau Early Bronze Age structure showing a possible astronomical intent
Mehr als nur ein Steinkreis - Das Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project: Themenabend: Holz- und Steinkreise
New Light on the Main Instrument of the Samarqand Observatory
Serious Gaming for Virtual Archaeoastronomy
Stellarium 0.20.3 User Guide
Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research
Stellarium: simulation for research and outreach
3D und mehr: Zeitlich veränderliche 3D-Landschaften in Stellarium
4D Skyscape Simulation in Stellarium
Beyond the landscape: analysis of Neolithic circular ditch systems of Lower Austria with advanced virtual archaeoastronomy
Das Astrolabium: das astronomische Rechengerät des Mittelalters
How to add my Landscape to Stellarium
Raising awareness on nocturnal light pollution around astronomical cultural heritage sites
Skycultures in Stellarium: request for comments
The Future of Astronomical Skycultures in Stellarium: request for comments
Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium: An Overview
Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium: An Overview
Virtual Archaeoastronomy: Stellarium for Research and Outreach
A New Light on the Central Instrument of the Samarqand Observatory
A Virtual Park of Astronomical Instruments
Beyond 3D Models: Simulation of Temporally Evolving Models in Stellarium
Changes in the unchangeable: Simulation of Transient Astronomical Phenomena with Stellarium
Changes in the Unchangeable: Simulation of Transient Astronomical Phenomena with Stellarium
Changing Sceneries under Changing Skies: Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium
Changing Sceneries under Changing Skies: Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium
Computerbasierte Methoden zu kulturastronomischen Landschaftsanalyse
Durrington walls and the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project 2010-2016
New Insights of the Central Instrument of the Samarqand Observatory
The state of virtual archaeoastronomy with Stellarium
The State of Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium
Beyond 3D Models: Simulation of Temporally Evolving Models in Stellarium
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
The Skyscape Planetarium
Virtuelle Archäoastronomie
Archaeoastronomical experiments supported by virtual simulation environments: Celestial alignments in the Antinoeion at Hadrian's Villa (Tivoli, Italy)
Kreisgrabenanlagen - Expressions of Power Linked to the Sky
Raising Awareness of Light Pollution by Simulation of Nocturnal Light of Astronomical Cultural Heritage Sites
The Skyscape Planetarium
The State of Virtual Archaeoastronomy with Stellarium
Trous de poteau de l'âge du bronze ancien présentant de possibles orientations astronomiques
A World of Innovation. Cartography in the Time of Gerhard Mercator
Astronomical and Topographical Orientation of Kreisgrabenanlagen in Lower Austria
Bīrūnī’s Telescopic-Shape Instrument for Observing the Lunar Crescent
Chapter 29: Visualization Tools and Techniques
Improving the GIS-based 3D mapping of archeological features in GPR data
Neolithic Circular Ditch Systems (“Rondels”) in Central Europe
Ground Penetrating Radar prospections at complex archaeological sites: good practice for the 3D archaeological documentation of the subsurface features
Landscape Tomography: Creating a work-flow for 3D visualization of palaeo-environmental information contained in large-scale, high-resolution ground penetrating radar data sets
Raising Awareness on Nocturnal Light Pollution around Astronomical Cultural Heritage Sites
Steinzeit-Astronomie – Was bleibt nach ASTROSIM? Astronomische Untersuchungen an jungsteinzeitlichen Kreisgrabenanlagen Niederösterreichs
Towards Serious Gaming for Archaeoastronomical Simulation
Archäologie einer Landschaft - Steinabrunn und mittel-neolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen
Computerbasierte Methoden zur Archäoastronomischen Landschaftsanalyse
Elements for the construction of 3D-models for archaeoastronomical analysis
The Observational Instruments at the Maragha Observatory after AD 1300
Towards Serious Gaming for Archaeoastronomical Simulation
Update on the simulation of astronomical aspects of Middle Neolithic circular ditch systems
A Virtual Reconstruction Approach for Archaeoastronomical Research
Ghāzān Khān's Astronomical Innovations at Marāgha Observatory
Virtual reality reconstruction and astronomical simulation of Neolithic monuments in Austria
Virtual Reconstructions in a Desktop Planetarium for Demonstrations in Cultural Astronomy
Virtual relity in archaeo-astronomical research
Zwischen Solstitium und Äquinox
Astronomical aspects of Kreisgrabenanlagen (Neolithic circular ditch systems)-an interdisciplinary approach
Astronomische Aspekte der Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich