LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Jona Schlegel
'Different folks, different strokes': goINDIGO 2022's «Creators vs Academics» discussion round
'Imagine being a racist': goINDIGO 2022's «Ethics & legality in graffiti (research)» discussion round
Document | archive | disseminate graffiti-scapes. Proceedings of the goINDIGO2022 international graffiti symposium
Facing a chameleon—How project INDIGO discovers and records new graffiti
Finding listeners for walls that speak
Making a mark—Towards a graffiti thesaurus
AUTOGRAF—AUTomated Orthorectification of GRAFfiti Photos
Discovering & recording new graffiti within project INDIGO
Eggendorf am Walde (NÖ) – Die Kreisgrabenanlage und das Fortleben einer bandkeramischen Großsiedlung im Mittelneolithikum
goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium: document | archive | disseminate graffiti-scapes. Book of abstracts
Project INDIGO - document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
Project INDIGO – document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
Towards a Graffiti Thesaurus in SKOS
Prospecting the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Müstair (Switzerland)
Towards an automated analysis of geophysical archaeological prospection data
Geophysical archaeological prospection at the Inner City of Pliska in 2018
Geophysical Archaeological Prospection of the Inner City of Pliska
Non-invasive archaeological prospection of Pliska
Pliska - integrated geophysical prospection of the first Early Medieval Bulgarian capital
Speicher-Herforst - a Roman industrial landscape in the hinterland of the Augusta Treverorum (Trier, UNESCO World Heritage)