Klaus Löcker
Die dreifache mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlage von Immendorf (NÖ)
Clunia Revisited – The Inverse Feedback Case: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
GPR Coherence Imaging Examples: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
Integrating Geophysical and Photographic Data to Visualize the Quarried Structures of the Roman Town of Bassianae
Mehr als nur ein Steinkreis – Das Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project
Prospecting the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Müstair (Switzerland)
The ‘Archpro Carnuntum’ Project – Integrated Archaeological Interpretation of Combined Prospection Data, Carnuntum (Austria)
The Rich and the Hard-Working: Roman Villae Near Lake Attersee, Austria: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge
New discoveries at Mokarta, a Bronze Age hilltop settlement in western Sicily
Non-invasive prospection and virtual archaeology in the Roman town of Carnuntum
Towards an automated analysis of geophysical archaeological prospection data
High-resolution underwater archaeological prospection of Upper Austrian pile dwellings and lakes using multi-beam and sediment sonar
High-resolution underwater archaeological prospection of Upper Austrian pile dwellings and lakes using multi-beam and sediment sonar
Hochauflösende unterwasserarchäologische Prospektion oberösterreichischer Pfahlbauten und Seen mit Fächerecholot und Sediment-Sonar
Large-scale non-invasive prospection of the UNESCO World Heritage site Ephesos
Modelling the layer between topsoil and subsoil using magnetic prospection data
Modelling the layer between topsoil and subsoil using magnetic prospection data
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
Vom Messbild zur 3D-Rekonstruktion: Neue Forschungen in Altheim Weirading
Das „ArchPro Carnuntum Projekt“ – die großflächige, zerstörungsfreie Erkundung des römischen Carnuntum
Das „ArchPro Carnuntum Projekt“ – die großflächige, zerstörungsfreie Erkundung des römischen Carnuntum
Die römerzeitlichen Gutshöfe von Antau und Zillingtal: geophysikalische Prospektion und archäologische Auswertung
Durrington walls and the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project 2010-2016
Efficient underwater archaeological prospection using high-resolution multibeam sonar and sub-bottom profiler measurements
Efficient underwater archaeological prospection using high-resolution multibeam sonar and sub-bottom profiler measurements
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Large-area high-resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
Rosenburg - Rapid state-of-the-art 3D documentation and mapping of a medieval castle using TLS, ULS and GPR
Rosenburg – Rapid state-of-the-art 3D documentation and mapping of a medieval castle using TLS, ULS and GPR
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“
ArchPro Carnuntum Projekt - Die großflächige zerstörungsfreie Erkundung der römischen Stadt Carnuntum
Die militärischen Anlagen in Carnuntum
Documenting Bronze age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
From integrated interpretative mapping to virtual reconstruction - a practical approach on the Roman town of Carnuntum
From integrated interpretative mapping to virtual reconstruction - a practical approach on the Roman town of Carnuntum
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
Not-so good vibrations: removing measurement induced noise from motorized multi-sensor magnetometry data
Not-so good vibrations: removing measurement induced noise from motorized multi-sensor magnetometry data
Preliminary results of the geophysical archaeological prospection pilot study at ancient Lousoi
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
„ArchPro Carnuntum“ – Erste Ergebnisse der geophysikalischen Messungen 2012–2015
„ArchPro Carnuntum“ – Erste Ergebnisse der geophysikalischen Messungen 2012–2015
Archäologische Prospektion in Carnuntum I: Geophysikalische Messungen und interpretatives Mapping
Die Canabae von Carnuntum. Erste Ergebnisse der geophysikalischen Messungen 2012–2015
Archaeological prospection results in the surroundings of the Serapeion at Ephesos, Turkey
Archaeological prospection results in the surroundings of the Serapeion at Ephesos, Turkey
ArchPro Carnuntum Project Large-scale non-invasive archaeological prospection of the Roman town of Carnuntum
ArchPro Carnuntum Project. Large-scale non-invasive archaeological prospection of the Roman town of Carnuntum
Automatic detection, outlining and classification of magnetic anomalies in large-scale archaeological magnetic prospection data
GPR and magnetic prospection: Large-scale, non-invasive mapping of buried archaeology
Interdisciplinary archaeological prospection at unprecented scale and resolution. The first five years of the LBI ArchPro Research Initiative 2010-2015
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Successfully falsified… On epistomological problems of archaeological excavations and geophysical surveys
Surface, deposit, process – interpreting archaeological evidence
Analysis of ground penetrating radar depth slices – an object-oriented approach: 5th Geobia
Jebel el-Hamam 2010: final report about the Syrian-German survey
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Carnuntum landscape
Large-scale high-resolution non-invasive geophysical archaeological prospection for the investigation of entire archaeological landscapes
Near Surface Geophysical Archaeological Prospection at the Prehistoric Site of Akrotiri on Santorini/Thera
The discovery of the school of gladiators at Carnuntum, Austria
An integrated geophysical approach to Stonehenge
Hala Sultan Tekke revisited - archaeological GPR prospection on Cyprus 1980 and 2010/12
High-resolution multi-channel GPR survey of the Roman town Flavia Solva in Austria
Long term integrated archaeological prospection on the Stubersheimer Alb - Giving meaning to a marginal landscape
Relocation of a partly excavated Roman Villa Rustica by geophysical prospection
Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project: Geophysical investigation and landscape mapping of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project - Data acquisition, processing, interpretation
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Large scale high-resolution geophysical prospection in archaeology
Large-scale archaeological prospection of Iron Age Central Places in Sweden
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Long-term Integrated Archaeological Prospection at the Roman Town of Carnuntum/Austria.
The Roman town of Carnuntum – an outstanding example of long-term integrated archaeological prospection
The school of gladiators at Carnuntum - virtual reconstruction based on archaeological prospection data
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project
Ephesos revisited
GISbased Archaeological Interpretation
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of theIron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden – First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study
Terrestrial laser scanning for the generation of a digital terrain model of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology
The villa rustica of Deutschkreuz - Integrated archaeological prospection of one of the largest Roman villae in Austria