Manuel Gabler
Traces of a Swedish army camp from 1644 revealed at Uppåkra by extensive magnetometer survey
Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
Geofysiske undersøgelser of luftfotoarkæologi i Vestjylland
Archaeological prospection of a specialized cooking-pit site at Lunde in Vestfold, Norway
Combined interpretation of archaeological prospection data from the Uppåkra landscape in Sweden: Development, testing and application of novel GIS-based archaeological interpretation methods to extensive high-resolution prospection data sets
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Integration of Complementary Archaeological Prospection Data from a Late Iron Age Settlement at Vesterager-Denmark
Large-area high-resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection pilot study at Viking Age and medieval sites in west Jutland, Denmark
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Motorized archaeological geophysical prospection for large infrastructure projects – recent examples from Norway
Motorized archaeological geophysical prospection for large infrastructure projects – recent examples from Norway
Integrated archaeological prospection of Iron Age and Medieval settlements in West Jutland, Denmark
Interdisciplinary archaeological prospection, excavation and 3D documentation exemplified through the investigation of a burial at the Iron Age settlement site of Uppåkra in Sweden
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnetometer prospection in the Viking Age landscapes of Southern Norway
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Senneolitisk grav i Uppåkra
Large-Scale High-Resolution GPR Prospection in the Viking Age Landscapes of Southern Norway
Large-scale high-resolution non-invasive geophysical archaeological prospection for the investigation of entire archaeological landscapes
Archaeological prospection of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site Birka-Hovgården
First large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection at Uppåkra
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age settlement site Uppåkra - Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of Iron Age Central Places in Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age central place Uppåkra
Archäologische Prospektion der eisenzeitlichen Siedlung Uppåkra in Südschweden: Hochauflösende Bodenradar- und Magnetikmessungen. Datenerfassung, -bearbeitung und archäologische Interpretation in Theorie und Praxis
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of theIron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden – First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study
Terrestrial laser scanning for the generation of a digital terrain model of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology