LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Martin Fera
Airborne laser scanning
Researching Archaeological Landscapes Across Borders
Summary, conclusion and outlook
25 Jahre Archäologie in Schwarzenbach – Modernste Forschung in der Buckligen Welt
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
Flugzeuggetragenes Laserscanning im Leithagebirge
Paläoflusslaufentwicklung der Leitha (Ostösterreich) – eine Luftbildperspektive
Clearing the wood - evaluation of different software packages for ALS filtering
Monitoring and Analysis of Excavation Processes Using Virtual Archaeology
Remote sensing and environmental archaeology: mapping a river system and predicting the location of archaeological sites in Leitha-Valley (Austria)
Methodological approach to 3D documentation of excavation processes
Using barcode, tablet PC and smartphone technology for archaeological field surveys
3D documentation and visualization of stratigraphic excavations
Terrestrial 3D laser scanning in archaeology
Assessing the Accuracy of a Semi-Automatic and Low-Cost Image-Based Modelling Approach for Documenting Archaeological Excavations
From deposit to point cloud – A study of low-cost computer vision approaches for the straightforward documentation of archaeological excavations