LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Martin Wieser
Facing a chameleon—How project INDIGO discovers and records new graffiti
Graffiti Dokumentation: Projekt INDIGO
Graffiti-Dokumentation: Projekt INDIGO
Urban creativity meets engineering. Automated graffiti mapping along Vienna's Donaukanal
Acquiring centimetre-accurate camera coordinates in project INDIGO
AUTOGRAF—AUTomated Orthorectification of GRAFfiti Photos
Discovering & recording new graffiti within project INDIGO
goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium: document | archive | disseminate graffiti-scapes. Book of abstracts
How project INDIGO automatically turns graffiti photos into orthophotomaps
Project INDIGO - document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
Project INDIGO – document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
OrientAL – towards (semi-)automated orthorectification of aerial photographs
Automated archiving of oblique and vertical aerial photographs
Automated archiving of oblique and vertical aerial photographs
Accuracy analysis of direct georeferenced UAV images utilising low-cost navigation sensors
Accuracy analysis of direct georeferenced UAV images utilising low-cost navigation sensors
Positioning in time and space – Cost-effective exterior orientation for airborne archaeological photographs
Positioning in time and space – Cost-effective exterior orientation for airborne archaeological photographs
ω, φ and κ – random Greek characters or important variables for aerial archaeologists
ω, φ and κ – random Greek characters or important variables for aerial archaeologists