LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Matthias Kucera
Vice Director, Senior Researcher
Aktuelle Untersuchungen zur dreifachen mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage Hornsburg 1 (NÖ). Forschungen im Rahmen der LBI Case Study „Mikroregion Kreuttal“
Eggendorf am Walde (NÖ) – Die Kreisgrabenanlage und das Fortleben einer bandkeramischen Großsiedlung im Mittelneolithikum
History and Archaeology in Discourse on the Dernberg–Reconstructing the Historical Landscape of a Medieval Motte-and-Bailey Castle and Deserted Village
Hornsburg: Landschaftsarchäologische Untersuchung einer mittelneolithischen Siedlungskammer in Niederösterreich.
Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Grabenfüllung der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage Hornsburg 1 (NÖ)
Archäologische Prospektion und Fernerkundung am Schanzberg in Gars-Thunau
Old excavation data: What can we do? Proceedings of the workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016
The Tell el-Daba Archaeological Information System: Adding the Fourth Dimension to Legacy Datasets of Long-Term Excavations (A Puzzle in 4D)
Towards an automated analysis of geophysical archaeological prospection data
Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
Laserscanning und image based modelling of the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Hallstatt, Tanum and Akrotiri
The Harris Matrix Composer+, a new tool to build stratigraphic sequences integrating an interval based time model
The Topographical Situation around the Linear Pottery Culture Sites of Brunn am Gebirge, Wolfholz
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
Transforming near-surface geophysical archaeological prospection: from square metres to square kilometres – from postholes to landscape archaeology
Archaeological space – concepts of space and time in archaeology
Archaeological space – concepts of space and time in archaeology
Der Dämon der Interdisziplinarität
Diffusing archaeological space
Diffusing archaeological space
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Ergebnisse der großflächigen, hochauflösenden Prospektion in Rechnitz
Geophysikalische Prospektion in Bräunisheim
Integrated Spatio-temporal Documentation and Analysis of Archaeological Stratifications Using the Harris Matrix
Large-area high-resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute ArchPro: Invited Talk at the NRICH
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“
Documenting Bronze age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
Large-scale high-resolution magnetic prospection of the KGAs Rechnitz, Austria
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Not-so good vibrations: removing measurement induced noise from motorized multi-sensor magnetometry data
Not-so good vibrations: removing measurement induced noise from motorized multi-sensor magnetometry data
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
The interdisciplinary daemon: limits and pitfalls of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects
The interdisciplinary daemon: limits and pitfalls of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
Archaeozoological investigation of the La Tène A-C1 salt-mining complex and the surrounding graves of Putzenkopf Nord (Bad Dürrnberg, Austria)
Big data in landscape archaeological prospection
Big data in landscape archaeological prospection
Scientific analysis of a calcified object from a post-medieval burial in Vienna, Austria
The Tell el Daba Archaeological Information System: adding the fourth dimension to legacy datasets of long term excavations (A puzzle in 4D)
The Tell el Daba Archaeological Information System: adding the fourth dimension to legacy datasets of long term excavations (A puzzle in 4D)
Interdisciplinary archaeological prospection at unprecented scale and resolution. The first five years of the LBI ArchPro Research Initiative 2010-2015
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Mapping the Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini: digital documentation and archaeological prospection
Successfully falsified… On epistomological problems of archaeological excavations and geophysical surveys
Surface, deposit, process – interpreting archaeological evidence
Large-scale high-resolution non-invasive geophysical archaeological prospection for the investigation of entire archaeological landscapes
Monitoring and Analysis of Excavation Processes Using Virtual Archaeology
Near Surface Geophysical Archaeological Prospection at the Prehistoric Site of Akrotiri on Santorini/Thera
Terrestrial Laser Scanning of the Landscape around Stonehenge
3D Digital Documentation of Akrotiri: Architecture, Wall-paintings and Finds
Duggleby Howe: From prospection to digital stratigraphic documentation
Laser Scanning and its Every Day Archaeological Application
Methodological approach to 3D documentation of excavation processes
Occurrence of nephrolithiasis in a population of longsnout seahorse, Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, and analysis of a nephrolith
Prospecting Kreuttal/Austria - erosion and accumulation
Prospecting Kreuttal/Austria - erosion and accumulation
Towards the Rapid Documentation of the Tanum Landscape: Developing an integrated workflow using 3D laser scanning and image based modelling techniques
Towards the Rapid Documentation of the Tanum Landscape: Developing an integrated workflow using 3D laser scanning and image based modelling techniques
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Large-scale high-resolution near-surface geophysical prospection for the investigation of archaeological landscapes
Terrestrial 3D laser scanning in archaeology
Archäometallurgische und feinschmiedetechnische Untersuchungen mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie an Fundobjekten aus dem Gräberfeld von Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, NÖ
Assessing the Accuracy of a Semi-Automatic and Low-Cost Image-Based Modelling Approach for Documenting Archaeological Excavations
Efficient but destructive: a test of the dental wash technique using secondary electron microscopy
From deposit to point cloud – A study of low-cost computer vision approaches for the straightforward documentation of archaeological excavations
Integrative Archaeological Prospection – Case study Stubersheimer Alb: Bridging the gap between geophysical prospection and archaeological interpretation
Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
Large-scale archaeological prospection of theIron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden – First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study
Spurensuche im Detail. Linearbandkeramisch und frühbronzezeitlich datierte Keramikfragmente aus Hainburg/Teichtal – Archäometrische Untersuchungen
Terrestrial laser scanning for the generation of a digital terrain model of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology
The New Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection & Virtual Archaeology