LBI ArchPro
LBI ArchPro
Norbert Pfeifer
'Imagine being a racist': goINDIGO 2022's «Ethics & legality in graffiti (research)» discussion round
Graffiti Dokumentation: Projekt INDIGO
Graffiti-Dokumentation: Projekt INDIGO
Urban creativity meets engineering. Automated graffiti mapping along Vienna's Donaukanal
AUTOGRAF—AUTomated Orthorectification of GRAFfiti Photos
goINDIGO 2022 international graffiti symposium: document | archive | disseminate graffiti-scapes. Book of abstracts
How project INDIGO automatically turns graffiti photos into orthophotomaps
Project INDIGO - document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
Project INDIGO – document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
Towards the automatic production of graffiti orthophotos
OrientAL – towards (semi-)automated orthorectification of aerial photographs
OrientAL: (towards an) automated rectification of oblique and vertical aerial photographs
Automated archiving of oblique and vertical aerial photographs
Automated archiving of oblique and vertical aerial photographs
Mind your grey tones – examining the influence of decolourization methods on interest point extraction and matching for architectural image-based modelling
Mind your grey tones. Examining the influence of decolourization methods on interest point extraction & matching for architectural image-based modelling
Multi-wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning for Characterization of Tree Species
Accuracy analysis of direct georeferenced UAV images utilising low-cost navigation sensors
Accuracy analysis of direct georeferenced UAV images utilising low-cost navigation sensors
Accuracy analysis of height difference models derived from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds
Accuracy analysis of height difference models derived from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds
Clearing the wood - evaluation of different software packages for ALS filtering
Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Systems and Their Possibilities in Forest Applications
Investigation on the automatic geo-referencing of archaeological UAV photographs by correlation with pre-existing ortho-photos
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
Laser Pulse Interaction with Forest Canopy: Geometric and Radiometric Issues
Observation of a local gravity potential isosurface by airborne lidar of Lake Balaton, Hungary
Radiometrically Calibrated Features of Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Based on Statistical Moments
Unmanned aerial vehicles for high resolution sensing in the geosciences: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014: Session chair
3D Punktwolken sind mehr wert ...
A proof of concept: Airborne LIDAR-measured ellipsoidal heights of a lake surface correspond to a local geoid model
Analysing the suitability of radiometrically calibrated full-waveform lidar data for delineating Alpine rock glaciers: Poster
Digital surface model, hillshade and Lambertian reflectance model of the rock glaciers Oelgrube and Aeusseres Hochebenkar: Data Provision at PANGAEA, project: C4 Austria, funded by ACRP (Austrian Climate Reasearch Program);
Direkte Georeferenzierung von Bildern eines unbemannten Luftfahrzeuges mit LowCost-Sensoren
Evaluation of different software packages for ALS~filtering
Integration of multi-temporal airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data for the analysis and modelling of proglacial geomorphodynamic processes
OrientAL – Automatic geo-referencing and ortho-rectification of archaeological aerial photographs
OrientAL – Automatic geo-referencing and ortho-rectification of archaeological aerial photographs
Quantifying proglacial morphodynamics and sediment budgets: An overview of the PROSA joint project
Simultaneous relative and absolute orientation of point clouds with textquotedblTLS radomes
Towards an automated georeferencing and orthorectification of archaeological aerial photographs
Towards an automated georeferencing and orthorectification of archaeological aerial photographs
Vom Modellflughobby zu unbemannten Flugsystemen für die Geodatenerfassung
Categorizing Wetland Vegetation by Airborne Laser Scanning on Lake Balaton and Kis-Balaton, Hungary
Direct Georeferencing With On Board Navigation Components Of Light Weight UAV Platforms
Experiences with Full-Waveform Data Processing and Radiometric Calibration of ALS Campaigns with C4Austria: Workshop textquotedblOne Decade of Airborne Laser Scanning at Hintereisfernertextquotedbl
Quantifying proglacial morphodynamics and sediment budgets - the PROSA approach: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14
Radiometric Analysis of Mulit-Wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Radiometric Analysis of Multi-Wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning Data of Different Case Study
Radiometric Calibration Of Multi-Wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning Data
Vegetation mapping from medium-density discrete echo Airborne Laser Scanning data: a case study of the Lake Balaton wetlands: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14
Radiometric Calibration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data for the Analysis of Alpine Cryosphere and Periglacial Environment
The quantification of changes in the alpine cryosphere and periglacial environment based on ALS data
Algorithms and tools for Airborne LiDAR data processing from a scientific perspective