Petra Schneidhofer
How much rain is too much for a GPR survey? Results of the Borre Monitoring Project
Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Grabenfüllung der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage Hornsburg 1 (NÖ)
Multi-Trace Coherence Mapping and Data Fusion for Improved GPR Imaging: 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2021
Halls at Borre: the discovery of three large buildings at a Late Iron and Viking Age royal burial site in Norway
Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
Geofysiske undersøgelser of luftfotoarkæologi i Vestjylland
Minimal-invasive approaches in Norwegian Archaeology
Speicher-Herforst - a Roman industrial landscape in the hinterland of the Augusta Treverorum (Trier, UNESCO World Heritage)
When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland
When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland
Durrington walls and the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project 2010-2016
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Großflächige hochauflösende Bodenradarmessungen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Hochauflösende und großflächige geophysikalische Prospektion eines zentralen Fundortes der Wikingerzeit: Kaupang in Vestfold, Norwegen
Integration of Complementary Archaeological Prospection Data from a Late Iron Age Settlement at Vesterager-Denmark
Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? Image fusion, analysis and interpretation approaches at the Late Iron Age site of Borre in Norway
Large-area high-resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements for archaeological prospection
Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“
Are we there yet? Environmental settings and geophysical prospection
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Extensive high-resolution ground-penetrating radar surveys
Geoarchäologische Methoden in der Erforschung archäologischer Landschaften: Altbewährtes und neue Entwicklungen
Investigating the influence of seasonal changes on high-resolution GPR data: the Borre Monitoring Project
Investigating the influence of seasonal changes on high-resolution GPR data: the Borre Monitoring Project
Large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection pilot study at Viking Age and medieval sites in west Jutland, Denmark
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Mediterranean sites in archaeological prospection: the case study of Osor, Croatia
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
Sussing out the super-henge: a multi method survey at Durrington Walls
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
The vanished vitrified fort of Schwarzenbach-Burg, Austria - A multi disciplinary study
A geoarchaeological approach to selected issues in Norwegian archaeological geophysical prospection
Interdisciplinary investigation of the burial mound at Rom in Vestfold County, Norway
Pixel-level image fusion for archaeological interpretative mapping
A geoarchaeological approach to selected issues in Norwegian archaeological geophysical prospection
Geoarchaeology as essential supplement for large scale, high resolution archaeological geophysical prospection: the case study Gokstad in Norway
Geoarchaeology as essential supplement for large scale, high resolution archaeological geophysical prospection: the case study Gokstad in Norway
Integrated archaeological prospection of Iron Age and Medieval settlements in West Jutland, Denmark
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnetometer prospection in the Viking Age landscapes of Southern Norway
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Large-scale high-resolution GPR and magnometry prospection in West Jutland, Denmark
Stratigraphic excavation and 3D reconstruction at Rom burial mound, Vestfold County, Norway
Landscape Tomography: Creating a work-flow for 3D visualization of palaeo-environmental information contained in large-scale, high-resolution ground penetrating radar data sets
Duggleby Howe: From prospection to digital stratigraphic documentation
Large scale, high resolution archaeological geophysical prospection: a source for palaeoenvironmental data
Terrestrial 3D laser scanning in archaeology