Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abt. Vermessung und Geoinformation
NoeL is acting as the largest regional GIS data provider based on 15 years of systematic remote sensing of the Province of Lower Austria, main area for the planned case-studies in Austria. Beside remote sensing data acquisition and GIS data management the Department “Vermessung und Geoinformation” started 3D data capturing of archaeological excavations applying terrestrial 3D laser scanners, mainly in the area of roman Carnuntum in Lower Austria, the largest archaeological landscape in Austria. NoeL will provide basic GIS-data, hyper-spectral scans and financial resources as well as expertise in the field of remote sensing and GIS. NoeL is interested in the further development of remote sensing methods, especially hyper-spectral scanning and the integrated interpretation for their direct needs in the governmental administration. The further development of 3D visualisation techniques and the integration of multi-sensor data as outlined in the research programme of the proposed LBI meet the detailed requirements and concrete demands of the development strategies of the Province of Lower Austria. NoeL expects further synergies from its engagement with the proposed LBI with other departments especially in the field of dissemination of archaeological research results to the public.