University of Vienna

University of Vienna, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) and Institute of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology (UHA)

The University of Vienna´s interdisciplinary research platform VIAS as well as UFG will act as the main co-operating partner experienced in the respective fields of research. The Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) is specialised in archaeological prospection, experienced in VR approaches and has its respective focus set on basic research in the application of geophysical prospection methods in theory and practice, terrestrial 3D laser scanning and aerial archaeology. VIAS hosts a large digital archive of archaeological prospection data based on national and international surveys and investigations. VIAS is interested in a close co-operation with the LBI, to ensure the international quality of its respective research and the career development of young researchers affiliated with VIAS and will make its respective resources available to the proposed LBI.

The Institute of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology (UHA) is specialised in Aerial Archaeology and has focused one line of its research and teaching strategies on archaeological prospection and landscape archaeology. The institute hosts a large aerial archive comprising vertical and oblique photographs as well as an extended digital archive including ortho-photos, digital terrain models and archaeological interpretation data. The recent research programmes were based on the archaeological application of Airborne Laser Scanning and Aerial Archaeology. The institute is interested in a co-operation to enhance its respective research and teaching strategies and will make its respective resources available to the LBI.

Uni Vienna