Vestfold Fylkeskommune
Vestfold fylkeskommune is a regional, politically-steered organisation with delegated responsibility from the state for cultural heritage management. We work with archaeological sites and historic buildings and our staff has expertise within archaeology, history, building conservation, history of religion and geophysics. Every year we document new archaeological sites as part of our work relating to building projects. Through the partnership with LBI, we wish to develop our methods so that individual investigations can be replaced by large-scale surveys. The motivation for doing this is to give developers early signals regarding the extent to which an area can be built upon. This will save unnecessary use of time. The Viking Period is a central area of our work, with the Oseberg, Gokstad and Borre finds coming from Vestfold. In recent years, we have surveyed these areas in collaboration with LBI using georadar, magnetometry and LiDAR and we would like this work to continue. The Norwegian State has applied for these properties to be added to the World Heritage List, and now and in the coming years, we want to uncover new understandings about these unique cultural environments. We would also like to use our partnership to develop methods for the documentation of standing wood buildings.
For more information visit the Vestfold fylkeskommune website: