Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum – erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“


Over the course of four years (2012–2015) the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archeology (LBI ArchPro), in collaboration with the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) and on behalf of the provincial government of Lower Austria, has conducted the comprehensive, non-invasive archaeological prospection project entitled “ArchPro Carnuntum”. The purpose of this project has been to generate a basis for future archaeological research and the sustainable spatial planning and cultural heritage management in the area. By combining new information on buried archaeology using different aerial and ground-based archaeological prospection methods and a thorough archaeological interpretation of the combined data within the framework of a GIS environment, it was possible to document Carnuntum’s archaeological heritage, which is threatened by a dramatic increase in erosion and destruction through ploughing, infrastructure development and looting by treasure hunters. In total, an area covering eight square kilometres was explored at very high sampling resolution using magnetic prospection methods, while 2.5 square kilometres were mapped with ultra-high resolution ground-penetrating radar measurements. The results of the project and the spatio-temporal analysis and interpretation of the prospection data are presented here as a preliminary report.

Carnuntum Jahrbuch
Wolfgang Neubauer
Wolfgang Neubauer
Director, Key Researcher
Mario Wallner
Mario Wallner
Klaus Löcker
Klaus Löcker
Tanja Trausmuth
Tanja Trausmuth
Hannes Schiel
Hannes Schiel
Roland Filzwieser
Roland Filzwieser
Matthias Kucera
Matthias Kucera
Vice Director, Senior Researcher
Alois Hinterleitner
Alois Hinterleitner
Senior Researcher
Lisa Aldrian
Lisa Aldrian
Immo Trinks
Immo Trinks
Key Researcher
Geert Julien Joanna Verhoeven
Geert Julien Joanna Verhoeven
Vice Director, Senior Researcher
Michael Doneus
Michael Doneus
Key Researcher