Geoarchäologische Methoden in der Erforschung archäologischer Landschaften: Altbewährtes und neue Entwicklungen


Today, geoarchaeology is an important interface between archaeology and the geosciences. Even though geoarchaeology uses different definitions, it is undisputed that its methods and techniques are needed for an encompassing study of archaeological sites and landscapes. Although per definition a part of geoarchaeology, archaeological prospection has become a research discipline in its own right. This development is based partially on developments in the field of the memory and performance of computers used for processing and visualising data, and partially on the increasing motorisation of the geophysical measurement systems. Thus, large scale, high resolution geophysical prospection surveys are now possible, which provide an important tool for the study of archaeological landscapes. This ability has been demonstrated by the case study of the Viking Age landscape at Gokstad in Norway, where geophysical prospection was used to investigate both archaeological and palaeo-environmental information. This encompassing approach allowed a preliminary 3D reconstruction of the area and at the same time provides a base map for further, more detailed research.

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege