Stellarium for Cultural Astronomy Research


Over the past years, the open-source computer planetarium program textquotedblStellariumtextquotedbl has gained functionalities which makes it very capable as a research and demonstration tool for cultural astronomy. Its sky simulation aims to be natural and also most computations are accurate enough for celestial simulations that may go back several millennia into the past. One easy way to enhance the immersive look and feel of observing from an interesting location is to display a horizon panorama, called textquotedbllandscapetextquotedbl in Stellarium’s terms. In this lecture we are going to explore several methods as to how such a landscape panorama can be created. If a static panorama is not enough, Stellarium can also work with 3D models. These combine a piece of local topography onto which a reconstruction or representation of the actual monument is placed, so we can then walk around and explore the site and experience celestial views and also light and shadow interaction. A model of a modern site with its architecture governed by key elements which are also frequently discussed in cultural astronomy is included in the download. We are going to explore this model and if time permits, I hope to also give you some outlines of model creation.

Georg Zotti
Georg Zotti